News & Stars and This Is Me! from John & the PHS Team Friday 12th July 2024

Welcome to 51ÊÓƵ School's Whole School Blog!

Hi everyone,

Well, This Is Me was great last Friday – such a lovely day – have a look at the photos and the messages from Jo below. And there’s been Sports Day, the MOVE Olympics, and all sorts of other things besides. It’s a great, although busy, time of year, full of lovely seasonal things and celebrations of a range of different things. Thanks to all, and thanks for your support in all of these things too

It’s also our Third Prom tonight! It’s been great to see some of you at the first two we had, and I’m looking forward to doing so tonight as well. We just hope that your son or daughter enjoys it. Staff are carrying out some last minute bits and pieces as I type

In other areas, there’s loads of sport, reading activities – and some great Stars of the Week – please do look at those super folk!

And the DJ Crew is also back!

Have a great weekend, hope to see you around, thanks for your support and all the best


😊 from John & the PHS Team 😊


Let’s hear from our three Super Steering Groups which deliver our Key Drivers through the curriculum –

Communication, Wellbeing and Independence



Becky, our Literacy Lead, is going to get us going! It’s always good stuff! This week – Summer Booknic!

Hopefully you will have all received a letter about our ‘Summer Booknic’ which will be taking place next Thursday 18thÌýJuly. Please do encourage your child or young person to bring in their favourite book(s) to share with their class, as it’s a lovely way to find a new favourite. Our Book Nooks in outdoor learning and Tellytubby land will be open and restocked too, and all we need now is some lovely sun to be able to enjoy it all the more!

We had a lovely afternoon with a collection of parents and carers of students in theÌý ‘Learning Skills Through Engagement’ (LSTE) curriculum pathway on Monday this week, with key staff sharing their knowledge of what reading looks like for these students and getting to grips with sensory stories. The parents and carers left with personalised sensory stories which they had been supported to write for their child or young person – we can’t wait to hear how they got on! We got some lovely feedback and were really grateful to the parents who were able to make it for coming and joining us. For any parents or carers with students in the LSTE pathway who weren’t able to join us but are interested, the presentation and resources will be uploaded to the Parent/ Carer Resource Area of the PHS website before the end of term!

Finally we wanted to make you aware of the launch of the ‘Summer Reading Challenge 2024’, which is happening in libraries across the UK.

‘To take part in the challenge you need to join your local library, then collect stickers by taking part in creative challenges such as reading, crafting and workshops. ÌýEarn five stickers to get a certificate and seven stickers for a chance to win one of our amazing prizes, which include Lego, art sets and show tickets!’

All libraries are involved however both Newcastle & South Tyneside have their own websites for the events taking place:

It’s worth a look as to what is happening at your local library, and it’s another way to keep our Love of Reading going through the summer holidays!

Becky Finn, Literacy Specialist, and The Literacy Squad!


Personal Development

Another one of the best things about our school! Let’s hear from Jo and the team about the This Is Me festival, one of the best days in our school year!


This Is Me Festival 2024

We have had yet another fantastic year for our This Is Me Mini Festival. Despite gale force wind in the morning, nothing could stop us from getting out there and having a right good party. Staff and students helped with the setting up and running of the event, everyone was amazing!

Bollywood Dancing

Madhura from Gem Arts in Gateshead came along to show us how to Bollywood dance. Check out some our amazing moves!

Giant Games

Nathan was on station to keep everyone moving and having fun with games with everything from bowling to giant connect four!

Music Station

Nat and Billy were the beating heart of the festival and proved to be one of the most popular activities again this year! We had music from around the world, keyboard workshop and karaoke! Everyone was so enthusiastic and brave getting up there, singing on the mic and sharing their incredible talents.

Chill Out Zone

The chill out zone was as chilled as ever. Students enjoyed reading, singing and signing, True Colours singing and drama workshop and most importantly – chilling!

Best Dressed

Our students dressed to impress this year and it was impossible to capture every wonderful outfit of the day. Here is a sneak peek at some of my favourites…

This Is Me March

This year we marched in celebration of everyone that is different. Nat even produced our very own 51ÊÓƵ version of Heather Small’s “Proud†including sound bites of students from across the school telling us why they are proud of themselves – beautiful. We’ll find a way to share this with you soon, watch this space.

Physical Development

And of course everything that is fabulous in the world of Physical Development too! This includes physio, hydro, MOVE, PE, HI, VI, a lot of OT and all sorts of key areas for us, including all of the Outdoor Learning, John Muir Award and many other aspects…

Lots of PE this week! Excellent!

We were recently fortunate to work with sixth form students at Dame Allen school, working collaboratively to deliver an athletics event at 51ÊÓƵ. Students from Dame Allen worked brilliantly as part of their sports studies course as leaders, our students had a great time taking part in the different athletics activities

And the Zoo! Still with Richard!

Students who took part in John Muir this year got the opportunity to visit Northumberland zoo. Students learnt about two of the conservation projects that the zoo is a part of to protect crayfish and harvest. Students also had a fantastic time at the birds of prey workshop. We then got to see lots of different animals at the zoo; Charlie was particularly impressed with the TapirusÌý different expressions. Have a look at James showing us his favourite, the lemurs!


Great pictures!


The Return of Mr Runnacles’ DJ Crew!

It must be near the end of a half-term as the DJs have completed another playlist, complete with their own introductions.

This time the theme is ‘Summertime’. As always, the Radio Group has worked collaboratively to choose the content and the order and have already listened to a broadcast on Hedleys Radio (to be found on the internet) that coincided with our lesson this week.

It is so good that it will be broadcast four more times! Listen in at the following times:

  • Monday, 15th July at 6pm
  • Tuesday, 16th July at 6pm
  • Wednesday, 17th July at 6pm
  • Thursday, 18th July at 1.45pm


Well done Ahmed, Mohammed, Lucas, Michael, Taylor and Ayaan!


Therapy Star of the Week!

Love Therapy Star of the Week – especially when it involves Toby!

Toby has been building up his physical strength in the walking sling! This means more freedom and independence when walking and lots of opportunities to develop his physical skills! ÌýGreat work Toby – Great job

Safeguarding Updates – this week, training and planning

Aylisha is our Safeguarding Officer, Rebecca is the DSL, and there is a great team, including Claire, Tracy, Corin, and other colleagues who look at other aspects too. For the blog, they give us weekly updates, which cover a range of topics – some of them pretty heavy! Here’s Aylisha!

Online Safety

And you can click over to the Online Safety blog for any more info too

Attendance Matters

At 51ÊÓƵ School we are committed to promoting high attendance among our students which was a key focus highlighted in our latest Ofsted report. We are sharing with you below extracts from our Ofsted report from earlier this school year which relate to attendance in our school.

Updated Code of Conduct

Here’s a link to our Code of Conduct, which is also on the website in the Parent and Carers Area - 51ÊÓƵ School’. Most schools have these now, so please do have a read – they aren’t used very often

Friends of PHS – the FoPHS!

So excited by all the things that the FoPHSare talking about and planning. A huge thanks to all of them for their time, commitment and support, with projects, ideas and all sorts. They’re also talking about the Outdoor Learning area – my favourite part of the school! It could be called the FoPHS Outdoor Learning Zone or anything! Great to have you guys on board, thanks again.

Lunch and Lunch Accounts

Just a reminder please if your account is in arrears significantly to please move to reconcile that with us. There are just a couple so thanks for that!

Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)

Please get in touch with me via the email below and I will be happy to respond to any queries, suggestions about the LPPA and other issues for parents From Tracy and the LPPA team Contact t.smithson@percyhedley.org.uk

Stars of the Week

That reflect our School Values!

Makaton Signs of the Week with Julie!

Signs to help the transition to new classes and new places Change, new, same, different

Finally…it’s that time again – our Third Prom!

This is from Rebecca!

Just a reminder that our Upper School Prom is coming up on Friday 12thÌýJuly.Ìý All our students within our Upper School should have received their invite with the details of the evening

Please ensure that you have sent us your reply in to allow for us to arrange with our suppliers for numbers.Ìý Please also let us know if you plan to stay with your child.Ìý Any children needing personal care or support with feeding will need to have a carer with them to support with this

RSVPs can come to eitherÌýpercyhedleyschooladminteam@percyhedley.org.uk, orÌýyour class teacher, or by ringing the school office on 01912161811


And a reminder of this great news that came from a lot of hard work! Well done, guys!

Our Latest Award – the PQSM!

Huge congratulations to everyone who has worked on us getting the PSQM Award


…..from John & the Team here at PHS